Digital Notebook
for Scientific Sales

Designed to boost your sales meeting performance and improve your close ratio

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Problems you can solve with our Digital Notebook

We understand the complexity of scientific sales and importance of having efficient sales meetings. Our Digital Notebook will help you to boost your sales meeting performance by eliminating the following challenges:

Lack of sales skills

We are often ex-scientists more skilled at talking about science than business. Inability to discuss business aspects can make us inefficient in our role and ultimately pose a threat to the business (especially in startups).


Weak sales funnel, slow or no revenue growth, free consulting, vulnerable to competition, increasing pressure on sales and whole company, high turnover.

Root cause

Person new to the role, lack of adequate sales training.

Solved by ...
  • Meeting templates
  • Embedded best sales practices
  • Curated database of sales questions
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Weak discovery/qualification

Good qualification is key to successful sales, and as ex-scientists, we might not have had a sufficient sales training or time to practice our sales skills. If we don't qualify properly, we risk loosing too many deals (and not knowing why).


Weak pipeline, CRM cluttered with weak or dead deals, unrealistic forecasts, less revenue, vulnerable to competition, leads not following up or ghosting, wasted time, missed quota, pressure on marketing and lead generation.

Root cause

Lack of sales skills, preparation, organisation, and/or agenda, no established meeting structure, poor qualification questions, poor listening.

Solved by ...
  • Qualification-focused meeting templates
  • Curated database of sales questions
  • Rapid and guided note-taking system
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No meeting structure

A good sales meeting requires structure. If we don't know what to talk about and when, we not only risk having an inefficient meeting and loosing a sale, but also coming across as unprofessional.


Poor close rates, difficulty in reproducing successful sales, variations in performance across the sales team, unreliable forecasting, lack of consistency in performance, revenue and growth, longer time to productivity.

Root cause

Lack of preparation and/or organisation, no process or knowledge on what works.

Solved by ...
  • Rapid and guided note-taking system
  • Topic-based widgets
  • Easily customisable meeting templates
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Committing too soon

We often get so excited about showing prospects our technology, that we forget to properly assess if our discussion has any chances in converting to a sale at all. Committing too soon means wasted time and money, unnecessary demos and frustrations.


Wasted time, money, and resources on weak or dead opportunities.

Root cause

Poor evaluation of the quality of a lead.

Solved by ...
  • Widgets for gathering insights on solution requirements
  • Red flags highlighting notes that require clarification
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Weak sales pitch

A sales pitch is your time to shine and the best way to truly nail your sales pitch is to tailor it to your prospect needs. If you are too general, chances are you will lose the interest in your solution, and ultimately pass the prospect to your competition.


Wasted leads, low conversion rate, vulnerable to competition, slow revenue growth, missed quota, pressure on lead generation.

Root cause

Sales pitch not tailored to prospect needs, poor listening, inefficient note-taking.

Solved by ...
  • Rapid and guided note-taking system
  • Dedicated widgets for gathering solution requirements
  • Solution presentation widget for tailoring your pitch
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New sales hire: long time to productivity

It can take time to learn the ins and outs of our new sales position, especially when selling science-heavy solutions. The longer it takes us to get up to speed, the more deals we loose on the way and the more frustrating our job becomes.


Wasted leads, low conversion rate, vulnerable to competition, slow revenue growth, missed quota, high turnover, pressure on lead generation, existing business at risk.

Root cause

Insufficient (sales) training, lack of or inefficient onboarding process, scattered or hard to find sales materials, lack of sales process(es).

Solved by ...
  • Meeting templates
  • Curated database of sales questions
  • Dedicated space for sales materials (fight cards, customer FAQ)
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Missed information

Often the devil is in the detail, and missing the details can cost us deals, important market insights, and cause unnecessary frustrations.


Extended sales cycle, weak or dead opportunities in the pipeline, missed opportunities for business development, extra work, inefficient sales review meetings.

Root cause

Poor or no note-taking, disorganised notes, lack of thoroughness, poor qualification, forgetfulness.

Solved by ...
  • Rapid and guided note-taking system
  • Live meeting efficiency scoring system
  • Curated database of sales questions
  • Meeting summary PDF export
  • Automatic CRM updates
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Time wasted on post-meeting tasks

If you don't have a good system of taking notes, tasks such as updating your CRM, uploading your notes, or sharing them with the team will become increasingly difficult once you start filling your calendar with sales meetings.


Lack of transparency, missed information, risk of next meetings with customer being inefficient, extra time consumed on editing, uploading, and sharing notes.

Root cause

Lack of note-taking system, inefficient note-taking, taking notes in paper notepad.

Solved by ...
  • Rapid and guided note-taking system
  • Live meeting efficiency scoring system
  • Curated database of sales questions
  • Meeting summary PDF export
  • Automatic CRM updates
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Here is what you can expect after adopting our Digital Notebook

One goal. Stronger sales funnels:


Benefits for individual


Benefits for business


But why Digital Notebook?

Current solutions do not understand the complexity and challenges of scientific sales (for example introducing new technology to the market) and require too much time for training and implementation.

From our experience on the field, you don't need another complex platform solution with 200+ pages of generic playbooks, dedicated implementation team, or hours spent on manual customisation or editing collected data (such as voice recordings). You just need a good notebook, and it's here.

Easy implementation

Easy implementation


Automatic CRM updates


Sales method driven


Live assistance features


Our Digital Notebook is designed with security in mind. We use industry-standard security measures to ensure the safety and privacy of your data.

For Cloud security we ensure that databases are 'encrypted at rest', OAuth tokens are stored and encrypted, network data is encrypted using TLS/SSL, and cloud services are actively logged and monitored.

For access security we make sure access is limited to authorized team members, and that team members are required to adhere to a minimum set of password requirements. For your CRM security we make sure access to records and fields is controlled by your CRM permissions, and that your CRM data is accessed on-demand. Also, we do not monetise on your CRM data. Your CRM data always stays private.

At rest

Encrypted at rest








Secure Keys



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